Friday, December 6, 2013

A Christmas Suprise!!

Students learned about Christmas in Holland and how children put their wooden shoes outside filled with hay and carrots for Sinterklauss' horse.  We did the same thing and the Zwarte Piets came and filled our bags with goodies!  Thanks to all the parents who sent items and candy to fill these bags.  It was magical!! :)

Today, we received a package from the North Pole!  Santa sent us a special elf for our classroom.  His name is Woodlawn Willie.  The children were so excited to get a package from the North Pole!!!!

Decorating the tree with our hand-made ornaments!

Thanks to Naeem's mom for sending the ingredients.  The kids loved their mini pizzas!!

We studied Christmas in Sweeden and learned that Santa Lucia brings gifts to the children who live there.  We made sweet rolls and hot coco just like they do in Sweeden.  Thanks to Charleigh's mom and Caliyah's mom for sending the ingredients!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for posting!! I just love all of the pictures :)
