Friday, December 6, 2013

A Christmas Suprise!!

Students learned about Christmas in Holland and how children put their wooden shoes outside filled with hay and carrots for Sinterklauss' horse.  We did the same thing and the Zwarte Piets came and filled our bags with goodies!  Thanks to all the parents who sent items and candy to fill these bags.  It was magical!! :)

Today, we received a package from the North Pole!  Santa sent us a special elf for our classroom.  His name is Woodlawn Willie.  The children were so excited to get a package from the North Pole!!!!

Decorating the tree with our hand-made ornaments!

Thanks to Naeem's mom for sending the ingredients.  The kids loved their mini pizzas!!

We studied Christmas in Sweeden and learned that Santa Lucia brings gifts to the children who live there.  We made sweet rolls and hot coco just like they do in Sweeden.  Thanks to Charleigh's mom and Caliyah's mom for sending the ingredients!!!

Making our Christmas Wish Lists

The children used toy magazines to search for things they wanted to put on their Christmas Wish Lists.  The excitement in the room was so fun!!  One of the children said, "This is the best day ever!!!!"  They are so much fun to work with!

First 9 Weeks Awards

First 9 Weeks Awards:  Good Conduct (E average), Citizenship Award, Most Improved Award, High Achievement Awards (E in ELA & Math: 100%), & Perfect Attendace Awards.   Congratulations!!!

Thanksgiving Luncheon

The students spent weeks working on their "Indian Shirts" and studying the Native American Cultures and the story of the Pilgrims coming to the New World.  We culminated our study by having a Thanksgiving Luncheon.  The children had a wonderful time!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Winter Holdiays Unit

We are learning about Hanukkah. The children had fun learning about the dreidel game and eating their Gold (chocolate) coins. :)

We made Nutty Bananas when we learned about Kwanzaa.  Thanks to Kelcie's mom for supplying the ingredients!! :)

Thanks to all the parents who sent items to stuff our "Christmas bags" with, you made some little children super happy!  During our study of Christmas in Holland, students put their "wooden shoes" outside of the classroom door and filled them with hay and carrots.  Sinterkaluss came on his white horse and the zwarte piets left a suprise filled bag.  The excitement in the hall was so much fun!!!

Monday, November 11, 2013


Students will "E" Behavior for the month of October were rewarded with wearing "crazy hats" to school.  The hats were all so interesting!  Everyone had fun showing off their lids!! :)

Our Zoo Trip

The children had so much fun on our trip to the Baton Rouge Zoo!  Thanks to ALL the parents who came out to help!  This trip would not have been possible without ALL OF YOU!!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Bones, Bones, Bones!!

Thanks to the LSU Anthropology & Geology Department, our students were able to learn about the human skeleton and compare it to animal bones.  The children had a great time.  Thank you LSU students!!!! :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Cooking Projects Are So Fun!!

The children made Panda Bear Sandwiches during our Bear Unit. They  had to follow directions on a recipe card, measure, and then watched as heat changed their creations.  Thanks MaKayla for bringing the cooking ingredients for us!  We had fun cooking!!

St. George Fire Department

The St. George Fire Department came to Woodlawn to help the students learn about fire safety.  The children enjoyed seeing the trucks and the firemen dress in their gear!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Literacy Night

Literacy Night was a success!  Thanks to everyone who came out to learn reading & math strategies.  The children had such a great time!
The children especially enjoyed the book walk!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bears Gone Bad!

We left our teddy bears at school over night and they got into our centers!!!!  They had so much fun!!!!!