Friday, January 29, 2016


The students earned a pizza party for learning all of their letters & sounds, and being able to say a word that begins with each letter sound.  98% of students scored 100% on their assessment. Congratulations Mrs. Foster's Class!


100th Day of Kindergarten

 Today was the 100th day of Kindergarten.  Students celebrated by bringing 100 small items from home and graphing them on a hundreds chart. They also counted to 100, wrote 100 words, and made a cool crown to acknowledge our 100 days of hard work.

Experimenting With Temperature of Water

Students explored different stages of water and its properties while measuring the temperature.  They discovered water at room temperature (72 degrees F) was a liquid and water at 32 degrees  F (freezing) became a solid. They also explained why the ice melted when they held it in their hands.  The children had to record what the temperature was that they observed.
Science Labs are so much fun!! :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Gingerbread Houses

Students worked together to decorate gingerbread houses.  What a fun time!