Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Our Christmas Around the World Unit Has Been So Enjoyable for the Children.
Better than any Christmas Party!!

 Meet Woodlawn Willie!  Our Elf from the North Pole!
We made potato latkes and applesauce for Hanukkah!

We made and ate yummy mini pizzas to celebrate Christmas in Italy!

Baking Sweet Rolls for Christmas in Sweden

Girls in Sweden dress up as Santa Lucia
and serve sweet rolls & coffee to their family.

 We studied Christmas in Holland and learned how the children there put their shoes out for Sinterklaas to fill with goodies.  We heard he was close by, so we put our shoes outside the classroom and he came and left us goodie bags!!! Thank you parents for providing all the wonderful candy, books, and party favors,  The children were so excited- it was magical!

We took a pretend airplane ride around the world!  We needed a plane ticket, a passport, and our suitcases!!