Friday, November 13, 2015

The students are learning about the human body. 
They had the chance to study a real skeleton thanks to LSU.
Your children enjoyed learning about the heart, lungs, brain, digestive system, bones, & joints. 
 We may have some little scientists among us!!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Crazy Hat Day & Spider Projects....the projects are so creative and the children all did a great job sharing them and telling all about them!!  Thanks parents for helping your little ones' research & create.  You are preparing them for a successful future!!

Wow!  The Turkey Projects that came in today are fabulous!!!!  The children were so excited to share them!  They will be on display at the Thanksgiving Luncheon, Thursday, November 19th at 10:30 am in the cafeteria.  Hope to see you all there!!