Friday, September 18, 2015

Thank you to everyone who sent Gummy Bears for our math activities!  The children are really enjoying everything you can do with a Gummy Bear!! In this activity, children had to sort the bears by color, then graph them, and tell which group had more and which had less.  So many wonderful math skills in this activity.  Learning made fun!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Our whole group reading lessons take place on the carpet.  As we read a story, we discuss the characters, the setting, the problem, make predictions, and retell the story using details.

 Meet our Grandparent Volunteer, Mr. Redmond.  He comes to Woodlawn every Monday - Thursday and works with our Kindergarten and First Grade students to reinforce reading and math skills. Thank you Mr. Redmond for all you do!!
This is Mrs. Potter, our paraprofessional.  She works with students one-on-one in the Kindergarten classrooms to improve reading and literacy skills.  Thank you Mrs. Potter for all  you do!!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Our Teddy Bear Graph.  Students sorted their bears according to size.  They determined that there are more small & medium bears (each having 8), then there are large bears (only 6). 

 Color Mixing experiment:  Students worked in lab groups and mixed primary colors to create secondary and tertiary colors, and recorded their data.

 If you want to continue the experiment at home, these color tabs are great to use at bath time and reinforce color mixing.  You can find them in the baby bath section at Wal-mart.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The children had so much fun sorting, graphing, and counting their Skittles...we even popped a few in our mouths!  We will use them again for a few more math activities.  Thank you parents for sending them!  Things like this make learning math skills more fun!! :)
We had so much fun sharing our colorful toys this week! 
Parents, thank you for helping your little ones remember!! :)