Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Our Christmas Around the World Unit Has Been So Enjoyable for the Children.
Better than any Christmas Party!!

 Meet Woodlawn Willie!  Our Elf from the North Pole!
We made potato latkes and applesauce for Hanukkah!

We made and ate yummy mini pizzas to celebrate Christmas in Italy!

Baking Sweet Rolls for Christmas in Sweden

Girls in Sweden dress up as Santa Lucia
and serve sweet rolls & coffee to their family.

 We studied Christmas in Holland and learned how the children there put their shoes out for Sinterklaas to fill with goodies.  We heard he was close by, so we put our shoes outside the classroom and he came and left us goodie bags!!! Thank you parents for providing all the wonderful candy, books, and party favors,  The children were so excited- it was magical!

We took a pretend airplane ride around the world!  We needed a plane ticket, a passport, and our suitcases!!

Friday, November 13, 2015

The students are learning about the human body. 
They had the chance to study a real skeleton thanks to LSU.
Your children enjoyed learning about the heart, lungs, brain, digestive system, bones, & joints. 
 We may have some little scientists among us!!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Crazy Hat Day & Spider Projects....the projects are so creative and the children all did a great job sharing them and telling all about them!!  Thanks parents for helping your little ones' research & create.  You are preparing them for a successful future!!

Wow!  The Turkey Projects that came in today are fabulous!!!!  The children were so excited to share them!  They will be on display at the Thanksgiving Luncheon, Thursday, November 19th at 10:30 am in the cafeteria.  Hope to see you all there!!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Thank you to everyone who sent Gummy Bears for our math activities!  The children are really enjoying everything you can do with a Gummy Bear!! In this activity, children had to sort the bears by color, then graph them, and tell which group had more and which had less.  So many wonderful math skills in this activity.  Learning made fun!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Our whole group reading lessons take place on the carpet.  As we read a story, we discuss the characters, the setting, the problem, make predictions, and retell the story using details.

 Meet our Grandparent Volunteer, Mr. Redmond.  He comes to Woodlawn every Monday - Thursday and works with our Kindergarten and First Grade students to reinforce reading and math skills. Thank you Mr. Redmond for all you do!!
This is Mrs. Potter, our paraprofessional.  She works with students one-on-one in the Kindergarten classrooms to improve reading and literacy skills.  Thank you Mrs. Potter for all  you do!!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Our Teddy Bear Graph.  Students sorted their bears according to size.  They determined that there are more small & medium bears (each having 8), then there are large bears (only 6). 

 Color Mixing experiment:  Students worked in lab groups and mixed primary colors to create secondary and tertiary colors, and recorded their data.

 If you want to continue the experiment at home, these color tabs are great to use at bath time and reinforce color mixing.  You can find them in the baby bath section at Wal-mart.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The children had so much fun sorting, graphing, and counting their Skittles...we even popped a few in our mouths!  We will use them again for a few more math activities.  Thank you parents for sending them!  Things like this make learning math skills more fun!! :)
We had so much fun sharing our colorful toys this week! 
Parents, thank you for helping your little ones remember!! :)

Monday, August 31, 2015

This week's math problem solving: sorting objects by color and shape...

Friday, August 28, 2015

Our Sock Hop was today!  All children with good behavior for the month went to the auditorium and danced and hopped to fun songs!  Thanks to Ms. Davis, Ms Vonchie, and Coach Moll for putting this on for us!!
Collaborative work jobs allow students to problem solve together and complete a task as a team.  These students made a number line, and counted manipulatives to match number quantities with the correct number.

Working together to complete puzzles develops our social skills, problem solving skills, and also gives us a sense of achievement once our puzzle is complete.

Letter trays help us to learn the sounds that each letter makes.  They also help develop our language skills and increase our vocabulary.

Coloring is a great pre-writing skill.  It helps the muscles in the hand become strong and ready to form letters correctly.

Working with Legos and Blocks help small motor skills that the hands need to develop as well as encourage problem solving skills.

Friday, August 21, 2015

We read the book Chicka, Chicka, Boom Boom!
Then we made a book to take home to help us remember the story.

Rainy Day Recess- Exercise to 100! 

Center Time

Computer Time