Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Multi-Cultural Unit: Winter Holidays & Christmas Around the World

 Measuring Ingredients to make Nutty Kwanzaa Bananas :)
 Using oil and heat to make our Potato Latkes...add applesauce and we had a Hanukkah delight!
 YUMMY! :)

 Playing the dreidel game and winning gold coins (gelt)! They are having so much fun! :)
Eating Tacos as we learn how they celebrate Christmas in Mexico! :)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Thanksgiving Luncheon

 The Turkey Tango!  Thanks Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Reyonlds for teaching us fun things!! :)
 Hard Working Indians!!! :)
 Indian Boys in their Indian Shirts and Head Dresses...they worked SO HARD on them!
Berry Pink Shirts!  Pinkalicious! :)

Career Day Dress Up October 2012