Monday, September 10, 2012

Cub Cafe Member for August: Elena Waller

Elena won Cub Cafe Member for the month of August by being a good citizen and helping others on the playground in the classroom.  She got to eat lunch and have icecream with other Cub Cafe members and the Principal! Good Job Elena!

A Visit from the St George Fire Department

 Mr. Dave, Mr. Tommy, and Mr. Dave showed students what the fireman's gear looks like and how it keeps the firefighters safe during a fire.

Students watched intently while firefighters talked to them about fire safety and what to do in case of a fire.


The students had a blast at the Sock Hop!  It was the good behavior reward for August.  Students had to earn Happy Faces on their behavior calendar (no sad faces) to attend. Good Job to those of you who did it!  September is a new month, so keep it up!!

Grandparent's Day Luncheon, September 7th, 2012

The children loved seeing their Grandparents and having lunch with them.  It was a special day for all! :)