Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Students created an edible spine using gummy and hard Life Savors.  This helped students understand how
                movement in the back is possible and how there are patterns within complex systems.
The students really enjoyed learning about the skeleton.  Using candy and other items that interest children helps keep their interest and also encourages long term memory because the way the topic is presented is pleasing and exciting to the learner.

Science Experiments With LSU Students

Students from LSU science department visited our classroom to show how combining certain chemicals can cause physical and chemical reactions.  They made foam for the students and then the students had time to work in  labs to create playdough.  They loved it!  Thank you LSU! :)

Monday, November 28, 2011


Our Thanksgiving Luncheon was a success thanks to all the parents who attended and who sent the shirts and beads on time for the students to make their Native American Indian shirts. They really enjoyed the project and especially loved wearing them for the "feast"! :)
The "Turkey Tango"!  Your Little ones really enjoyed learning and performing the Turkey Tango for you taught by Mrs. Davis, their PE teacher.  They were so cute!!! :)


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Our First Cooking Project

For our first cooking project we made Panda Bear Sandwiches.  Cooking is a great way to teach math & science skills, as well as reading skills.  For this project, students had to follow written directions, measure, and observe heat changes. Not to mention the fact that they had so much fun doing it!

Bears, Bears, Bears!

To begin our bear unit, we brought our teddy bears to school.  They helped us learn the difference between living and non-living things.
Ask your child about the story Cordury that we read in class.  We left our bears at school over night and when we came back, we found that they had an adventure like Cordury!

A Visit From the Fire Fighters

The St George Fire Department came to visit the Pre-K & Kindergarten classes and teach us about fire saftey.

Grandparent's Luncheon

Friday, September 9, 2011

Mixing Colors

We made predictions about what would happen if we mixed primary colors together, then we experimented to find out what really happened and recorded our data. We are learning to be scientists!

Studying Light

We are experimenting with the properties of light.  Using a flash light and various materials, we are able to see if light is able to pass through certain objects.
We are learning that white light is made up of all the colors of the rainbow & we can see those colors if we split the light using prisims and/or water.

Sock Hop

Students who had an A/B average in behavior for the month of August were able to participate in the Sock Hop.  The Ancilary Teachers Hosted the event in the auditorium and Mr. Davis was our guest DJ.  The students had a great time!  Keep encouraging your little ones to be good listeners so they can participate in our monthly behavior incentives! :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Modeled Reading in Whole Group Setting

Journal Writing

Journals are a great time to develop our writing skills.
We work on word lists, spelling words, and reflect on parts of a story:
characters, setting, and problem.

Learning Our Shapes!

Ask your child about Suzie Circle, Sammy Square, Ricky Rectangle, Trixie Triangle, Ollie Oval, & Denny Diamond!